In LASIK procedures, a laser is used to improve the curvature of Cornea to focus the light on the retina. LASIK surgery is the most commonly performed specs removal procedure.

  • Good Vision
  • Offer high safety and efficiency
  • 97% of specs removal procedures
  • Femto Laser + Excimer Laser
  • Team of highly trusted Doctors
  • Fastest Visual Recovery – Gives a WOW Effect
  • More than 1,000 Happy LASIK patients
  • Re-treatments possible

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LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. It is a corrective eye surgery done to treat abnormal conditions of the eye like Myopia, Hyperopia and Astigmatism. In this laser eye surgery, a layer of the cornea called the stroma is reshaped so that the light focuses more accurately on the retina. This eye surgery uses cool ultraviolet rays with highly functional lasers and sophisticated tools to clear up the front portion of the eye. That’s why it is also sometimes called eyelid surgery. The laser treatment for eyes is generally a painless procedure and barely takes around 20 minutes for both eyes.